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Numbers are Universal Patterns and

Hidden Messages that the Spirit uses

to communicate with us.

Reveal the messages, patterns

and karma using the esoteric method

of Jewish mysticism.

Unlock what is hidden behind

your name and date of birth.

Karmic Kabbalah numerology reading
can help you understand yourself,

your life, the secrets behind your name and D.O.B, your life cycles, pinnacles, critical years, your life path, your mission and so much more.

It can answer why things are the way

they are in your life, what years within

your life will bring you breakthroughs, 
turning points and what each life cycle holds within itself, including the general theme of each cycle and pinnacles.

This report is also perfect if one is

considering changing a name be it via

your own decision, by marriage or simply

when choosing a name for your business.

Shishi Myojo Hanko Logo



It is a written report with a LOT of information.

I also include astrology and any other additional messages I receive from the Spirit world to help clarify your reading.

For this purpose, I will need your FULL NAME

including all middle names you might have

and of course your date of birth.

It is important to remember 

that despite the divine spark within us,

we are only humans after all and for that

humility, humbleness and meekness

should very much be present when

working with the fate of human beings.

That, which is happening is governed

by much higher forces, than we are.

As my grandmother always used to say

"Do not annoy the Gods, I tell ya."

The numerology report is €33 and will be

delivered to the email address provided. 

Please provide me with your D.O.B. and

full name, including any and all middle names.

Once payment is confirmed, the reading 

will be delivered within 14 business days. ​

I look forward to meeting

With respect and love, Ester ☆

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