Welcome to the Art shop offering
prints of my artwork on fine art paper.
My photographs portrayed
in a painterly way, strive for a certain
romantic timelessness of a “world no more”,
weaving a narrative that invites us
on a quest, pondering the presence
of something higher in our lives.
Fine-tuning one, into seeing
"that special something” back there,
even further, beyond the obvious;
the presence of the Divine in signs,
symbols, omens, and finding
the invisible thread that weaves it all together.
Through my work, we get glimpses
of the wonders that deep exploration
and shifts in perception can bring us;
a view of a new perspective on life
and the divine written in a language
of light, shadow and dreams.
So let yourself be spirited away
and fall into the reveries of the poetic art world
of my ponderings, musings and reflections.